Whytecliffe islet

The Whytecliffe islet is another good spot to dive around. You can access Whytecliffe Islet right off the beach. A very entertaining thing happens if you go at low tide. You will see people hopping over the boulders towards the islet. By the time you get out of the water they will be stranded on top trying to find a way back to shore without getting wet.

Good diving from the surface down to 25+ meters. Plenty of crustaceans along the wall, every now and then you’ll see a seal, and there is a metal chain on the islet that leads to some purple feather duster tube worms.

Roughback sculpin
Roughback sculpin
Pacific Sea Peach
Pacific Sea Peach


The islet at low tide. You can't miss it.
The islet at low tide. You can’t miss it.


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Jaap is a geologist by trade and a freediver by passion. Jaap wrote the book Longer and Deeper in 2018. His book teaches how to train for freediving and spearfishing on land.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jaap

    Scuba divers have reported a submerged seamount that tops out at 10 meters. This hasn’t been verified by freedivers but if you were to look for it try going off the tip of the islet and then towards the bay.

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